
Our scans are second to none

We scan using a Dai­nip­pon Screen Drum Scan­ner.
Nega­ti­ve, slide film (all for­mats) and other trans­pa­rent and non-trans­pa­rent tem­pla­tes up to the for­mat A4 can be digi­ti­zed to a high stan­dard. The advan­ta­ge of the drum scan­ner over the con­ven­tio­nal slide and flat­bed scan­ner is the digi­tiza­ti­on wit­hout loss of image con­tent (no fee­der masks requi­red). The trans­pa­rent tem­pla­tes (nega­ti­ve and slide film) are pla­ced in a spe­cial scan­ning liquid. This increa­ses the color bril­li­ance and smal­ler scrat­ches are cover­ed by the liquid and thus not visi­ble. With the liquid, all dust par­tic­les are washed out. This eli­mi­na­tes the need for dust and scratch retou­ch­ing.
Plea­se note that for the crea­ti­on of an art print, your ori­gi­nal is pho­to­gra­phed and not scan­ned. More infor­ma­ti­on can be found under Art­work Photography

Ser­vices included

No con­trast losses 

No dust rem­oval neces­sa­ry, as a spe­cial scan liquid is used for drum scanning. 

All color nuances 

Cap­tu­re and repro­duc­tion of all color shades to make your image shi­ne in ori­gi­nal quality. 

Color pro­fi­le assignment 

Assign an RGB color pro­fi­le, which sim­pli­fies the sub­se­quent pro­ces­sing of Your data. 

Best data quality 

You can recei­ve your high-reso­lu­ti­on image mate­ri­al eit­her on sto­rage medi­um or via download. 

Pos­si­ble addi­tio­nal services

Mass scan discounts

By num­ber of pie­ces — digi­ti­ze your enti­re archi­ve quick­ly and easily


Digi­tal Res­to­ra­ti­on of Your Art­work — Adjus­ting Faded Colors

Optio­nal­ly, we also crea­te high-qua­li­ty art prints from your pictures

Image retou­ch­ing

Manu­al rem­oval of dirt and dama­ge (e.g. scratches)