Art Print

A high qua­li­ty prin­ted product

The digi­tal art print with 10 prin­ting inks is desi­gned to repro­du­ce the authen­tic varie­ty of colors of the ori­gi­nal art­work as pre­cis­e­ly as pos­si­ble. This is achie­ved through the maxi­mum num­ber of prin­ting inks. In com­pa­ri­son, digi­tal and off­set prin­ting has only four colors available.
The pro­duc­tion is made by hand, on the fine art mate­ri­al you choo­se. The width can be up to 152 cm, the length can be almost unlimited.
The high-qua­li­ty print pres­ses are main­tai­ned with gre­at care, thus gua­ran­te­e­ing the best print qua­li­ty. The prin­ters are desi­gned for can­vas (glos­sy or matt), hand­ma­de paper, fine art paper (matt), and high-gloss paper. Other inkjet-com­pa­ti­ble mate­ri­als can also be prin­ted at the cus­to­mer’s request. In excep­tio­nal cases, a paper that is not sui­ta­ble for inkjet prin­ting can also be used.

Our digi­tal art print works with the same steps as our facsi­mi­le print:

Our art pho­to­gra­phy is ancho­red in our facsi­mi­le work-flow, gua­ran­te­e­ing the best results. Start­ing with the best colour, ending with the repro­duc­tion of the final print.

for the per­fect colour results

As a relia­ble con­trol medi­um and for a colour match appoint­ment — fur­ther info

Pro­duc­tion of the facsi­mi­le on the cor­re­spon­ding Fine­Art mate­ri­al — width up to 152 cm, length up to 12 meters



Var­nish that is appli­ed by hand for sur­face finis­hing, opti­mi­zes the color bril­li­an­cy, increa­ses the lon­ge­vi­ty of the work and pro­tects against exter­nal dama­ge from; light, scrat­ches and damp.

The high-qua­li­ty pic­tu­re, whe­ther ori­gi­nal or print, is in many cases not yet com­ple­ted wit­hout a frame. We work clo­se­ly with frame manu­fac­tu­r­ers and offer a lar­ge sel­ec­tion of frames, made of wood or metal. It is important to us to find the right frame for each pic­tu­re in order to maxi­mi­ze the pic­tu­re’s pre­sen­ta­ti­on. A sui­ta­ble frame not only enhan­ces the aes­the­tic expres­si­on of the pic­tu­re, but also pro­tects it from dama­ge. We are hap­py to advi­se you and will always find an indi­vi­du­al solution.