
Owner: is the company’s home­page
FARBPRAXIS, stu­dio for pho­to­gra­phy, litho­gra­phy and art printing.


Wäh­rin­ger Stras­se 48/2/9
1090 Vien­na, Austria


Wäh­rin­ger Stras­se 48/2/9
1090 VIENNA, Aus­tria
T: +43 676 631 15 05
UID num­ber: ATU48196303

Fur­ther Details:

Mem­ber of Eco­no­mic Cham­ber of Vien­na, Guild Pho­to­gra­phy
Super­vi­so­ry Aut­ho­ri­ty: Muni­ci­pal Dis­trict Office for the 9th distict in Vienna

Copy­right information:

The con­tent on our home­page is pro­tec­ted by copy­right by FARBPRAXIS.AT. All rights reser­ved. The fol­lo­wing terms and con­di­ti­ons, as well as other laws or regu­la­ti­ons appli­ca­ble to the Inter­net or the World Wide Web, app­ly to all users and visi­tors to this web­site. You may not use the con­tents of the web­site wit­hout the writ­ten per­mis­si­on of FARBPRAXIS. Dis­tri­bu­te, modi­fy, trans­fer, re-deploy or other­wi­se use for public or com­mer­cial pur­po­ses. Your access to and use of the home­page is also sub­ject to the fol­lo­wing terms and regu­la­ti­ons. By acces­sing and visi­ting the home­page, you accept the terms and con­di­ti­ons wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on or reser­va­ti­on and ack­now­ledge that any other agree­ments bet­ween you and FARBPRAXIS.AT with respect to the item.

Con­di­ti­ons of use of the homepage:

- We keep the con­tents up to date to the best of our abili­ty, but do not accept any lia­bi­li­ty for the accu­ra­cy of the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded. The­r­e­fo­re, no repre­sen­ta­ti­ons are given and no war­ran­ty or lia­bi­li­ty is assu­med for the accu­ra­cy of the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded.
- The unlawful use of the images on this home­page may inf­rin­ge copy­rights, trade­mark rights, per­so­nal or publi­ci­ty rights and legal repro­duc­tion regu­la­ti­ons and regulations.