
Indus­try-inte­res­t­ing links to your infor­ma­ti­on and net­wor­king online:

FTP Ship­ping Programs:

is a free WEB data trans­fer plat­form, through which one can send one or more files up to 2 GB to 1–20 reci­pi­ents in uncon­nec­ted form (only one ship­ping and at least one recei­ve e‑mail address are requi­red). Data is cached for two weeks via Cloud­Com­pu­ting, i.e. in reli­ance on the WeTrans­fer ope­ra­tors wit­hout imme­dia­te access from the sender.

(See Info on the ope­ra­tor site its­elf for details.)

Check links:

An ide­al tool to check your own Inter­net speed (essen­ti­al for up- and down­load data trans­fer):

Our com­pa­ny pro­fi­le on the Internet