
Color pro­of test print

Pro­ofs (= test prin­touts), are crea­ted under stan­dar­di­zed con­di­ti­ons, ensu­ring that the print data meets the requirements.

Our machi­nery is able to print web off­set or sheet-fed off­set, news­pa­per print, and the prin­ting of coa­ted and uncoa­ted papers. (We test other spe­cial papers on request.) The machi­nes are con­stant­ly moni­to­red and updated.

Each of our pro­ofs is prin­ted with a media wedge that is mea­su­red with a spec­tro­pho­to­me­ter. We pro­vi­de a colo­ri­me­tric eva­lua­ti­on pro­fi­le in accordance with the ISO stan­dard and the pro­of is deli­ver­ed or picked up by courier.


Order of Proof 

On our order page you can upload your data and send the order to us. 


With paper out­put up to a width of 42cm, length unlimited. 

Media / colour wedge 

Bin­ding, mea­sura­ble media/color wedge with the results of the evaluation. 


In a card­board tube or enve­lo­pe (by cou­rier or collection). 

Proof For Facsimile Printing

You can also find more infor­ma­ti­on on the sub­ject of “pro­of” in the spe­cia­list voca­bu­la­ry section.