
The hig­hest qua­li­ty art print

Facsimile Print Vienna

“I have been working for many years with digi­tal data. Over the years, I sen­sed a grea­ter need for digi­tal data to be mate­ria­li­zed into a con­cre­te form – paper. The­re are many long-term risks invol­ved in data sto­rage such as the loss of the data, or tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ments making the data dif­fi­cult to access. The­r­e­fo­re, paper offers secu­ri­ty and con­cre­te evi­dence of that data.”

Tho­mas Gorisek


As a pho­to­grapher, litho­grapher and prin­ter rol­led into one, I am able to com­bi­ne my exper­ti­se to achie­ve the clo­sest pos­si­ble liken­ess to the ori­gi­nal art­work, using a balan­ce of color fine-tuning, sel­ec­ting the right mate­ri­als, and using the best methods to come to the desi­red result.

Stan­dards for working with ori­gi­nal art:

  • The ori­gi­nal should be available for vie­w­ing at the first appointment.
  • Ide­al­ly, the picture’s data should be crea­ted in the stu­dio by pho­to­gra­phing the picture.

Our digi­tal prin­ting machi­nes, that print in 10 colors, have been spe­ci­fi­cal­ly adjus­ted to repro­du­ce the hig­hest print color qua­li­ty. This is made pos­si­ble by the lar­ger num­ber of prin­ting colors com­pared to nor­mal four-color prin­ting in digi­tal and off­set printing.

Our Offe­ring

Our art pho­to­gra­phy is ancho­red in our facsi­mi­le work-flow, gua­ran­tees the best results. Start­ing with the best color, ending with the repro­duc­tion of the final print.

For the per­fect color results

As a relia­ble con­trol medi­um and for a color match appoint­ment — fur­ther info at:proofprint.at

Facsi­mi­le is pro­du­ced on the appro­pria­te fine art paper with a maxi­mal width of 160cm and the length is almost limitless.



Var­nish that is appli­ed by hand for sur­face finis­hing, opti­mi­zes the color bril­li­an­cy, increa­ses the lon­ge­vi­ty of the work and pro­tects against exter­nal dama­ge from; light, scrat­ches and damp.

Frames for Facsimile Printing and Art Print Reproductions

On request we can arran­ge the right frame for the facsimile:

  • Stret­ched Canvas
  • Pas­se­par­tout of your choice (Samples in our stu­dio) or
  • In a light alu­mi­num or a woo­den frame.