Work pho­to­gra­phy of plans by the archi­tect Fried­rich Kiesler

We a have pri­va­te foun­da­ti­on for the Aus­tri­an Fried­rich and Lili­an Kies­ler 30 draft plans digi­ti­zed. One group includes drafts for “The Shri­ne of the Book”, ano­ther group shows drafts for “End­less House”

The “Shri­ne of the Book” is the only acu­tal buil­ding by Fried­rich Kies­ler, which was com­ple­ted in Jeru­sa­lem in 1965. On the occa­si­on of the 50th anni­ver­sa­ry of the ope­ning in April 1965, the ori­gi­nal designs were pre­sen­ted in an exhi­bi­ti­on at the Fried­rich and Lili­an Kies­ler Pri­va­te Foundation.

In 1958, the Muse­um of Modern Art New York com­mis­sio­ned Kies­ler to deve­lop a sin­gle-fami­ly house for the muse­um gar­den – the End­less House. This house has not yet been built. Kies­ler has docu­men­ted his ide­as in exten­si­ve sket­ches and models.

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