Work pho­to­gra­phy and facsi­mi­le prin­ting for the Aus­tri­an Parliament

In autumn 2014, we were able to car­ry out a very spe­cial assign­ment for the Aus­tri­an Par­lia­men­ta­ry Direc­to­ra­te: the pho­to­graph of the so-cal­led pati­ent book. This book includes approx. 140 pages in the for­mat of approx. 42 x 52 cm.

In Febru­ary 2015 we made two dupli­ca­tes of the book in ori­gi­nal size.

The par­lia­ment buil­ding in Vien­na, then a impe­ri­al buil­ding, was used as a hos­pi­tal for woun­ded offi­cers after the out­break of the First World War from Sep­tem­ber 1914 to Novem­ber 1916. The ent­ries in the pati­ent book date from Sep­tem­ber 26, 1914 to Novem­ber 28, 1916. From March 1917, the buil­ding was again used as a mee­ting place for the house of lords and the House of Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves, as intended.

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