House of Music in Chi­na: Facsi­mi­le pro­duc­tion of Gus­tav Mahler’s 8th Symphony

The House of Music in Vien­na is dedi­ca­ted to explo­ra­ti­on of music and music histo­ry and to the reva­lua­ti­on of musi­cal expe­ri­en­ces. Both the city of Vien­na as a musi­cal capi­tal and the topic of music in gene­ral are con­ti­nuous­ly pro­mo­ted on an inter­na­tio­nal sca­le by the popu­lar muse­um. In the spi­rit of cul­tu­ral exch­an­ge, Haus der Musik Wien is working with China’s lar­gest orga­ni­zer of clas­si­cal con­certs to bring the Vien­nese muse­um con­cept to life in China. 

In 2024, a House of Music based on the Vien­nese ori­gi­nal was ope­ned in the Chi­ne­se city of Yangu­an, and here too, music scores are among the most important exhibits.

We have pro­du­ced facsi­mi­le prints of the ori­gi­nal scores of Gus­tav Mahler’s 8th Sym­pho­ny, which will be exhi­bi­ted in the new House of Music in China.

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