Facsi­mi­le print for the Vien­na Sta­te Opera

At the Vien­na Sta­te Ope­ra on Octo­ber 10, 2019, for the occa­si­on of the anni­ver­sa­ry per­for­mance “100 Years of Woman Wit­hout a Shadow”, we made a facsi­mi­le of the enti­re piece.

The ori­gi­nal pie­ce, in which Richard Strauss made notes by hand and con­duc­ted the world pre­mie­re with con­duc­tor Franz Schalk on 10 Octo­ber 1919, con­sists of three books with approx. 660 pages.

Each page was pho­to­gra­phed and colour-coded to match the ori­gi­nal. After­wards, eight pages of books were prin­ted on both sides.

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