Exhi­bi­ti­on pho­to­gra­phy for the Alber­ti­na Museum

We pho­to­gra­phed the exhi­bi­ti­on “Heln­wein RETROSPEKTIVE” at the Alber­ti­na, which pres­ents the Aus­tri­an artist Gott­fried Helnwein.

The aim of the pho­to­graph is to docu­ment the exhi­bi­ti­on and pro­vi­de poten­ti­al pho­to­gra­phic mate­ri­al for a prin­ted work. We are very plea­sed with the result! See for yours­elf…
“Gott­fried Heln­wein is one of the most signi­fi­cant Aus­tri­an artists world­wi­de. On the occa­si­on of his 65th bir­th­day, the Alber­ti­na is dedi­ca­ting his first retro­s­pec­ti­ve in Euro­pe to him. More than 150 works from all pha­ses of his work pro­vi­de insight into Helnwein’s work, which is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by an exami­na­ti­on of socie­ty, its sti­mu­lus and taboo themes.”

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