Exhi­bi­ti­on pho­to­gra­phy for Klos­ter­neu­burg Abbey

In Klos­ter­neu­burg Abbey, we pho­to­gra­phed the exhi­bi­ti­on “Church — Monas­tery — Empress”. In 2017, the Augus­ti­ni­an Choir Lord’s Abbey Klos­ter­neu­burg dedi­ca­ted its annu­al exhi­bi­ti­on to the eccle­si­a­sti­cal cul­tu­re of Maria Theresa’s epoch. The spe­cial focus is on the tex­ti­le art of magni­fi­cent­ly embro­ide­red sacral robes – para­ments. In the Aus­tro-Hun­ga­ri­an mon­ar­chy, sacral tex­ti­les have been pre­ser­ved, the­se can be tra­ced back to the Maria The­re­sa foun­da­ti­on. Some of them are exhi­bi­ted in Klos­ter­neu­burg Abbey.

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