Con­s­truc­tion invoice plans of the Aus­tri­an Par­lia­ment building

We digi­ti­zed about 50 con­s­truc­tion invoice plans in spring 2015.

The archi­tec­tu­ral plans were drawn up during and after the con­s­truc­tion pha­se of the Par­lia­ment buil­ding bet­ween 1874 and 1883.

They ser­ved as a basis for cal­cu­la­ting con­s­truc­tion cos­ts. The­se amoun­ted to 20 to 24 mil­li­on gold crowns. This equa­tes to appro­xi­m­ate­ly 186 to 200 mil­li­on euros.

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