Art prints for the Gemäl­de­ga­le­rie Berlin

Sin­ce the begin­ning of 2016, we have been sup­p­ly­ing the muse­um shop of the Gemäl­de­ga­le­rie of the sta­te Muse­en zu Ber­lin with high-qua­li­ty art prints. Mas­ter­pie­ces from the muse­um coll­ec­tion such as Adam and Eve in the para­di­se of Lucas Cra­nach the Elder or Amor as win­ner of Michel­an­ge­lo Meri­si, cal­led Cara­vag­gio, are prin­ted by us in the for­mats 50 x 70 cm and 70 x 100 cm.

The Gemäl­de­ga­le­rie has one of the world’s most important coll­ec­tions of Euro­pean pain­ting from the 13th to the 18th cen­tu­ry. Mas­ter­pie­ces from all art-his­to­ri­cal epochs, such as pain­tings by Jan van Eyck, Pie­ter Brue­gel, Albrecht Dürer, Raf­fa­el, Titi­an, Cara­vag­gio, Peter Paul Rubens, Rem­brandt and Jan Ver­meer van Delft are exhi­bi­ted here. Espe­ci­al­ly The Ger­man and Ita­li­an pain­tings of the 13th to the 16th as well as the Dutch pain­ting of the 15th to 17th cen­tu­ries are repre­sen­ted here.

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